Monday, February 14, 2011

McMansion to McCottage: Why Smaller Houses Are Smarter | Wise Bread

McMansion to McCottage: Why Smaller Houses Are Smarter | Wise Bread

Living within your means is a very good concept to have, but most of us fail to do so. We always think "bigger is better" and the same is true when it comes to homes. Although it does not only apply to homes it also applies to cars and much more.

With bigger homes, cars comes more things to maintain, more to clean and up keep which add to the overhead cost of the item. I.e. carpeting a 5 bedroom home costs significantly more than the 2 or 3 bedroom home. Plus the time spent vacuuming and up keeping these rooms alone is a waste especially if they are not being occupied on a full time basis.

Of course to fill these rooms with decorative art pieces also costs money and in the end it is all just fluff. What are you thoughts on this article?